Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Being The Only Child

It is fun being the only child sometimes because you get what you want and get all the attention from your parents. I grew up with my cousins. My mum's sister's kids. They were like my brothers and sisters. We went to school together. I practically lived with them in their house. Even though we grew up together, we weren't really acting or felt like we were brother and sister. I was still the outsider.
Now that we're all older and wiser I thought things had changed and we were even closer now then we were when we were kids. But it hasn't. I still am and always will be the outsider... The cousin ONLY. Im not sad or even mad about it because at the end of the day its their lives and its their family.I happy with the life I have. I just wish I did have a brother or a sister.
I have friend's that have brothers and sisters and I see the love and the care they have for each other and how they always have each other's backs. I wish I could have that same family warmth and closeness. I mean I am really close to my mum. If fact, in my eyes she is my only family and I love to to death for doing everything she's ever done for me.
It's different when you do have a larger family I guess. It kind of feels lonely sometimes being the only child. But I guess thats why I'm really close to some of my friends. I have those few people in my life who I know will always have my back. Even though were from different muthas.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Women Vs Football

I know ALOT (and when I mean a lot, I mean ALOT!) of women who hate football and can't stand it when their men watch because when they watch it, it's like they've been hypnotized by the T.V.. They can't hear,move,see or feel anything else except Football. It's like a religion. I used to be one those women and I understand the frustration they're going threw. But then I said " why don't I try and watch it. Maybe I just might get into it ". And I did. It's one thing you can't take away from them. And lady's its just football! If you still feel like you still hate it, then do something else with your time like maybe go shopping or hang out with friends.
I like watching football now. I even have a favorite team and player. Arsenal and Thierry Henry ( I think he's so hot!).
Actually if it wasn't for a close friend I wouldn't be watching football today. He came to me once and said "Baby, I just want you to know football is my religion, and when it's on, I have to watch." So I started watching it with him and started getting to know most of the players in different teams. I used to be goalie on my girls soccer team in school. I play it on play station and I've kicked ass a few times.
Since the world cup started I started feeling the energy just like everyone else in the world. All the excitement and the all the pounding your heart does went you're waiting for the goal from your country or favorite team.
Well anyways, may the best country win. Hey ladies, what can I say " If you can't beat. Join 'em!"