Friday, June 23, 2006

Untitled Feelings by Danielle S. Lumpkin

When my family is sleeping, dreaming sweet dreams.
I'm wide awake, crying, trying not to see.
That's I'm not that happy girl you see with a big beautiful smile.
I'm the girl that is bleeding inside, so broken and I.
Have to face the real world everyday.
That is filled with disappointed and hurt.
I feel so alone, in a crowded room.
I feel cold, when the sun is shining.
I feel unloved, surrounded by my friends.
I feel ignored, so doomed.
When my friends are out having fun.
I'm alone in my room wondering why.
I'm so different from everyone else, so unique and sad.
Don't know what to believe in anymore love or even God.
Why does he hate me? I ask myself.
Does he see I need help, attention and things to figure out.
I feel so scared, when there is nothing to fear.
I feel so torn, but still in one piece.
I feel distant yet some cruel towards the people around me.
I feel death, I can feel it near.
They try to understand my pain, my feelings.
But they end up lost in my mind that's pretending.
To be lighthearted, when I'm about to explode with anger.
I can't forget my past, present, and future.
I'm so tired of feelings of loneliness.
Sitting in the dark, crying, full with regret.
I feel like I have noone to trust.
Do I have bad judgment or am I just too nice.
I don't wanna die alone that's my biggest fear.
I need someone to rescue me and take me away from here.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Scars for Life

I have several scars from being clumsy or from friends play fighting and some from surgery. I have had them for ages and they just wont go away. So I'm going tell you stories about some of the scars I've got.

Ok! There are 2 scars here (one on the left 'X' and one on the right 'Y'. X was the first one). I was % years old and was playing pirates with my cousins. They were jumping from the table to the couch and little, innocent me, decided to copy them. So I got on the table, prepared myself to jump and accidentally slipped and dove into the couch. I didn't feel any pain so I got up and saw blood run down my face. That freaked me out! So they took me to the hospital and when they told me I was going to get stitched up I freaked out even more. I started running around the hospital with blood gushing out of my head trying to runway from the nurses and doctors. Once they got hold of me they rapped me up in bed sheet so I couldn't move a muscle and had two nurses plus my aunt holding me down and starting stitching. It was so painful. I get chills every time I think out it.

The Y scar was the second. I was 6 years old and was swinging on a swing at school and a friend was pushing me. I wasn't holding on because I was holding on to my food. My so called "friend" at the time decided to push my so hard, I ended up falling off. As soon as I turned around to give her a piece of my mind "BANG!". The swing just knock me out. I woke up 2 minutes later and didn't feel anything until I got up and saw the blood dripping down my face. And as you probably know by now...I was scared of blood when I was a kid. So I went to the nurses office and once she told me I had to go to the hospital I knew I was getting stitches. This time was worse then the first because this time they strapped my arms and legs down and had 6 people hold me down. I was just screaming and shouting like a mad woman but you would be doing the same if someone was stitching you up while you're still awake.

Ha ha you're going to love this story. I was 7 years old and was at my karate class when I started feeling sick. It started getting worse and by the time my parents came to pick me up I had already barfed all over the place. They took me to the hospital and got me checked up. When the results came in the doctor told us my appendix burst and I had to take them out immediately.
After they took it out they realized ( drum role please) ................... I only had food poisoning. How does a doctor not know the difference between a patient having food poisoning and their appendix bursting?? Well I'd just like to thank that doctor for scaring me for life. Spanks Man!

When I was a kid I used to suck my thumb and I always used to bite on it while I was sleeping. Its been there for as long as I can remember.

Even though I have all these scars, I've never broken any bone in my body ( thank god). I've got more scars but they're not as big of a deal as the ones to what I have mentioned because they have been there the longest.

Till next time ... I'm out!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Qoute By Mother Teresa

People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered; Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, People may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; Succeed anyway. If you are honest and frank, People may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, They may be jealous; Be happy anyway. The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you've got anyway. You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God; It was never between you and them anyway.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Flying with a Friend

One of my best friends is doing piloting and is getting ready to finish and go back to her home country and work for one of the big airlines there. When I first thought about her being a pilot, I promised to never get on a plane with her flying it. But after she tricked me into going with her and me actually experiencing it with her in a 2 seater plane, it wasn't that bad. She's really good at it.
It scared me a little though. But after landing and taking off like more than 6 times. It was pretty amazing.
We saw the whole view of the city and flew over the aviation college. I wouldn't like to do again because that first time was scary. I actually felt my heart in my tummy every time she was getting ready to land. Its not that I don't trust her or anything. Its just that, anything can happen. And I think I can finally admit, Ive officially become a chicken

This was the plane we flew in. A tinie winie plane.

I cant remember where this came from but I think there was water with the oil or something like that. Basically it wasnt a good thing.

Dont think I'll ever be a good co.-pilot. I dont even know what they call all these gadget thingys.

The Aviation College

Welcome to brizzy Mate!

The Mother Land~Zanzibar~

I only went for a week and in that week, I had a blast. It was amazing just being on the beautiful beaches, with clear blue water and white sand. Now thats what I call paradise. The people there are really nice and one of the hang out bars there was THE place to be. Maybe these pictures will give you a little taste of what its like.

this is Cholo's Bar where we hung out most of the time (middle hut). And on the left (small little hut) is Cholo's ( the owner) house. On the right i was a restaurant he was building at the time.I think its done already.

This is the view from my room. Beautiful, isn't it? Everytime I walked out that room, all I would see infront of me was the clear blue sea. It was incredible.

Sunset Cruise...

Cholo's Bar...

Ha this is the cash register ( It's a bloody toilet seat).

One day i'll go back and next time I go I'm definately staying longer than 1 week.

'Morning Has Broken' By Cat Stevens

Morning has broken, like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird
Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
Praise for them springing fresh from the world

Sweet the rains new fall, sunlit from heaven
Like the first dew fall, on the first grass
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden
Sprung in completeness where his feet pass

Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning
Born of the one light, eden saw play
Praise with elation, praise every morning
Gods recreation of the new day

Sunday, June 18, 2006

...And Everything Is Still The Same

I'm really happy to be back in Oman. I missed my mum and my friends. But nothing has changed. Not just the country, also the people. Everyone is still doing the same thing.Not that I'm complaining or anything. I like just sitting at home doing nothing especially after the 3 stressful weeks i had before I left Australia and the long freakin' flight I had. But its not something I like doing anymore. I kind of miss my new life where Im always out and about with different people and going to Uni. I can feel I'm more active then I used to be when i was still stuck in Oman. It actually feels really good. I wish some people were like this here. But I don't really blame them. There is nothing you can do and its definitely too dame hot to go out anyways. So I guess sitting at home, playing play-station all day is the kind of the only thing that you can do.
I can't sit in one place for long. I need to do something with my time. Even if it means just getting in the car and going for a drive. I'm always going round seeing people. But they are all somehow doing the same thing, just hanging out.
Im on holiday so I really I'll be doing stuff. Even if its by myself.